Nikos Ververidis is a certified judo trainer with a diploma from National Academy of Sports Sofia Bulgaria the Highest University of Sports and a M.A. of English Univercities in the Art of Judo.
Also is a teacher of Physical education and he specialized in perfection of human capabilities as such Strength, Speed, Endurance e.t.c.
He trains kids and adults from 1990!
He is a certified Krav Maga instructor from 2006 when gains the instructor’ s diploma level G 1 from Avi Moyal in the first C.I.C. IKMF instructors course in Greece.
He is the first instructor in Crete who teaches Krav Maga in the Highest Technological University on a great number of students , University professors and employees.
Nowadays he teaches Krav Maga in his club ” Human Chess” in Heraklion Crete.